Full Stack Developer - MEAN Master's Program Training in Hyderabad - TutorsBot

Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In Hyderabad

Our Full Stack Developer course will teach you how to build full-stack web apps using the front-end and back-end JavaScript technologies at the heart of MEAN—MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular, and Node.js. As part of this MEAN Stack course, you will go through each topic in-depth and acquire practical experience by working on real-world projects.

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Course Features

40 Hrs Instructor Led Training

3 Industry Projects

20 Hrs Project & Exercise

60 Hrs Applied Learning

Placement Assistance

Flexible Training Schedules

+91 8681 995 995

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Course Overview

What Is Full Stack Developer MEAN Master Program?

                                              Tutorsbot FULL Stack (MEAN) Developer Training in Hyderabad is a full 360° training program designed to instruct participants in constructing enterprise-style apps with server-side code using Node.js, Express framework, front-end coding using Angular.js, and databases using MongoDB. Because of the numerous advantages provided by a mix of technologies, this training program has become one of the most popular and in-demand. Web developers who wish to advance their profession may do so by enrolling in FULL Stack (MEAN) Developer Training (Master Program).

                                              Participants will become specialists in front-end and back-end JavaScript technologies of the popular, MEAN framework after completing the class (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js). This training program is intended to provide learners with a solid grasp of FULL Stack (MEAN) technologies such as MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js, among other things.

Course Syllabus

Introduction About Web Development

  • Web Development Introduction

  • Web Application Architecture

  • Types of Web Application

  • Modern Web Development

  • Front End Development Introduction

  • IDE Setup for Web Development

  • HTML and CSS

  • JavaScript

Node JS – A JavaScript Runtime

  • Node JS installation

  • Node JS Shell

  • Creating your first JavaScript Program

  • Running JavaScript Code using the Node JS

  • Difference between Node JS and NPM

  • Creating New Node Project

  • Bringing Library Code using the NPM

  • Different kinds of Dependencies

  • Managing NPM Scripts

JavaScript Programming Language - Basic

  • An Introduction to JavaScript

  • JavaScript Fundamentals

  • JavaScript Coding Block and Syntax

  • Variables and Data Types

  • Declaring New Variable

  • Assigning Value to The Variable

  • Reassigning Value to the Variable

  • Constant in JavaScript

  • Number, String, Boolean

  • Null and undefined in JavaScript

  • Data Types Conversion

  • Different Types of Operators

  • Comparison Operators

JavaScript Programming Language – Fundamentals

  • Conditions Introduction

  • If Conditions

  • Multiple If Conditions using the else if conditions

  • Logical Operators in conditions

  • Switch Cases Statement

  • Default in Switch Cases

  • Loops Introduction

  • While Loops

  • For Loops

  • Do while Loops

  • Function in JavaScript

  • Function Expressions

  • Parameters in Functions

  • Optional Parameter in Functions

  • Return in Functions

  • Function Invoking

  • Objects

JavaScript Programming Language – Intermediate

  • Methods for Number, String

  • Array Methods

  • Array Push, Pop, Slice Methods

  • Loop an Array using For Each Methods

  • Map, Filter, and Reduce Methods

  • Class in JavaScript

  • Class in JavaScript

  • Class Syntax

  • New Keyword

  • Creating an Object using a Class

  • Properties and Methods

  • Constructors in Class

  • This Keyword

  • Class Inheritance

JavaScript Programming Language – Advance

  • Arrow Function in JavaScript

  • Sync and Async Difference

  • Introduction to Async Programming

  • Call-backs and its examples

  • Promises Introduction

  • Resolve and Reject in the Promises

  • Then, Catch and Finally in Promises

  • Converting a function to Async

  • Await keyword and its examples

  • Error Handling in JavaScript

  • Try Catch – Error Handling

  • Modular Programming

  • Difference between the Common JS and ES16 Import and Export

  • Working with JSON Data

  • JSON Methods

Creating Node JS Application

  • Running NPM Commands

  • Web Servers Introduction

  • App Initialization with NPM

  • Application coding

  • Application Running

  • Request Handling in Webserver

  • Working With Server Code

  • Adding Routes to the Application

  • Responding to the Request

  • Responding the Status Code

  • Serving Static files with FS Modules

  • Serving Assets

  • Making Routes in Another Files

  • Importing Routes file in the Application

  • Application Directory Structure

  • Creating App.js and Router.js

  • Creating Views

  • Adding Assets

  • Creating Routes

Web Development with Express.JS

  • Installing the Express.JS Package

  • Creating First Express.JS Application

  • Routes Creation with Express.JS

  • Request Data Handling with

  • MVC usage

  • Connecting View with Templates

  • Template Engine Introduction

  • Passing Data to the Controllers

  • Layout and Partials

  • Setting up Partials and Layouts

  • Error Handling with Express.JS

  • Serving Static Files

  • Serving Static Views

  • Passing Content to the Views

Database Connection

  • Installing MongoDB

  • Introduction to the NoSQL

  • CLI commands in the MongoDB Shell

  • Connecting the MongoDB to the Node.js Application

  • Mongoose Introduction

  • Installing Mongoose with the Node.js Application

  • Creating a Schema

  • Building Models using the Models

  • Connecting the Controllers and Models

  • Saving Data using the Models

  • Using Promises with Mongoose

  • Adding Data Validation on the Data Models

  • Model Associations Creation

  • Associated Models Data Population

  • Doing CRUD Methods to the Model

  • Creating Models and Inserting Data

  • Reading Data

  • Updating the Data

  • Deleting the Data

Securing the Node.JS Application

  • Security introduction

  • Hashing Passwords

  • Adding Validation Middleware

  • Implement Passport.JS

  • Authentication Users at Login

Developing API to the Application

  • API Introduction

  • Routes for the API

  • Creating an API

  • Calling your API from the Client

  • Accessing API from the Application

  • API namespace

  • spaceAPISecurity

  • Adding API Tokens

  • Using JSON web tokens

  • Adding API for the Multiple Endpoints

Code Management, Testing Application and Deploying to the Production

  • Preparing the Code for Deployment

  • Linting of the Code

  • Debugging the Node.JS Application

  • Testing the Node.JS Application using Testing Framework

  • Preparing for Production

  • Setting up the Database

  • Debugging in Production

Integrated Development Setup

  • Node JS installation

  • Node JS Shell

  • Creating your first JavaScript Program

  • Running JavaScript Code using the Node JS

  • Difference between Node JS and NPM

  • Creating New Node Project

  • Bringing Library Code using the NPM

  • Different kinds of Dependencies

  • Managing NPM Scripts

  • Typescript Installation

  • Typescript Project Configuration

  • Typescript Project Initiation

Typescript Programming Language –Basics

  • Introduction to Typescript

  • Typescript Coding Block and Syntax

  • Strong Types in Typescript

  • Variables and Data Types

  • Declaring New Variables

  • Assigning Values to the Variables

  • Reassigning Values to the Variables

  • Constant in Typescript

  • Number, String, Boolean

  • Arrays in Typescripts

  • Objects in Typescripts

  • Any Types

  • Union Types

  • Enums, Primitive Types, and Tuples

  • Null and undefined in Typescript

  • Data Types Conversion

  • Different Types of Operators

  • Comparison Operators

TypescriptProgramming Language –Fundamentals

  • Conditions Introduction

  • If Conditions

  • Multiple If Conditions using the else if conditions

  • Logical Operators in conditions

  • Switch Cases Statement

  • Default in Switch Cases

  • Loops Introduction

  • For Loops

  • While Loops

  • Do while Loops

  • Object Spreads

  • Function in JavaScript

  • Function Expressions

  • Parameters in Functions

  • Default Parameters in Functions

  • Optional Parameter in Functions

  • Return in Functions

  • Function Invoking

  • Objects in Typescripts

TypescriptProgramming Language –Intermediate

  • Methods for Number, String

  • Array Methods

  • Array Push, Pop, Slice Methods

  • Loop an Array using For Each Methods

  • Map, Filter, and Reduce Methods

  • Interfaces in Typescript

  • Optional Properties in Interface

  • Interface Naming

  • Class Syntax

  • class in Typescripts

  • New Keyword

  • Creating an Object using a Class

  • Properties and Methods

  • Constructors in Class

  • This Keyword

  • Read Only Properties

  • Get and Set Methods

  • Static Functions

  • Static Properties

  • Interface Inheritance

  • Class Inheritance

  • Super Function

  • Abstract Class

  • Abstract Class Methods

TypescriptProgramming Language –Advance

  • Sync and Async Difference

  • Introduction to Async Programming

  • Call-backs and its examples

  • Promises Introduction

  • Resolve and Reject in the Promises

  • Then, Catch and Finally in Promises

  • Converting a function to Async

  • Await keyword and its examples

  • Error Handling in JavaScript

  • Try Catch –Error Handling

  • Modular Programming

  • Exporting Modules

  • Importing Modules

  • Difference between the Common JS and ES16 Import and Export

  • Working with JSON Data

  • JSON Methods

  • Generics Introduction

  • Generic Syntax

  • Multiple Generic Types

  • Constraining the type of T

  • Using the Type T

  • Advanced Type Inference

  • Conditional Types

  • Decorators Introduction

  • Setup of the Decorators

  • Decorator Syntax

  • Multiple Decorators

  • Types of Decorators

  • Decorator Factories

  • Class Decorators

  • Property Decorators

  • Static Property Decorators

  • Method Decorators

  • Parameter Decorators

Angular Setup

  • Angular CLI Introduction

  • Angular CLI Commands

  • Angular Example Project

  • Understanding the Project Directory

  • Modifying the Project

  • Running the Example Project

Angular Components

  • Creating a Component

  • ComponentComponent Decorators

  • Template URL to the Component

  • Adding a Template to the Component

  • Creating CSS Styles with Style URLS

  • Adding Data to the Component

  • Rendering the Component

  • Component Decorators Introduction

  • Component selectors

  • Component template

Angular Directives

  • Angular Directives Introduction

  • NgIf Directives

  • NgSwitch Directives

  • NgSwitch Directives

  • NgClass Directives

  • NgFor Directives

  • NgNonBindable Directives

Angular Pipes

  • What is Pipes?

  • Built-In Pipes

  • Angular Custom Pipes

  • Pure and Impure Pipes

  • PipeTransform Interface & Transform Function

Angular Forms

  • Angular Forms Introduction

  • FormControls

  • FormGroups

  • FormsModule

  • Reactive Forms

  • Template-driven Forms

  • Using FormBuilder

  • Using myForm

  • Form Validation

  • Form Validation Types

  • Built-In Form Validators

  • Form Validation Methods

  • Custom Validators

Dependency Injection

  • Dependency Injection Introduction

  • Dependency Injection Parts

  • working with Injector

  • Providing Dependencies with NgModule

  • Providers Introduction

  • Provider –Class

  • Provider –Factory

HTTPServices in Angular

  • Introduction about the HTTP services

  • Angular/common/http working

  • Importing angular http

  • Basic HTTP Request

  • Http Component Definition

  • Controller

  • API Endpoints Requests

  • POST Request

  • PUT Request

  • PATCH Request

  • DELETE Request

  • HEAD Request

  • Custom HTTP Header

Angular Routing

  • Angular Routing Introduction

  • Client-side routing

  • Anchor Tag

  • Angular Routing in Components

  • Installing Routes

  • RouterOutlet Using <router-outlet>

  • RouterLink using routerLink

  • Configuring the Routes

  • Route Parameters

  • ActivateRoute

  • Router Hooks

  • Nested Routes

  • Configuring Routes

Data Architecture in Angular

  • Overview of Data Architecture

  • Data Architecture with Observables

  • Observables and RxJS


  • Redux introduction

  • Reducer

  • Defining Action and Reducer

  • Creating first Reducer

  • Reducer actions

  • Reducer switch

  • Using the store

  • storeSubscribe

  • Using redux in Angular

  • Providing the Store

  • Implementing the Models

  • App State

  • Root Reducer

Testing Angular Application

  • Test Driven Development

  • Types of Testing

  • Testing Tools –Jasmine, Karma

  • Unit Tests

  • Testing Services and HTTP

  • Testing Form

  • Testing Routing the Components

  • Testing HTTP Requests

Fazlur Rahman

TutorsBot Express JS Educating's instructor has years of expertise in this field, including years of training and mentoring experts.

Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In Hyderabad Key Skills

    TutorsBot Course Image about Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In Hyderabad

    Advantages in TutorsBot

    • Placement Team for Job Assurance to Course Enroller
    • Professional Trainer from IT Industry
    • Deidicated Support Team for Training and Development
    • Practical Training Program includes Hand On Project Session
    • More than 150 Subject Matter Expert Community
    • Five Years of Training Services Provider
    • Placed More than 850 Students

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    Builder Book

    Documentation or books may be published using an open source web app. React, Material-UI, Next, Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB were used in the development.

    SaaS Boilerplate

    To create your own SaaS product, use an open-source web app. React, Material-UI, Next, MobX, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, and Typescript were used to create this project.


    Express is used to power this open-source web app. BitMidi is a collection of MIDI files from the early days of the internet. To bring MIDI back to life, it employs cutting-edge web technology such as WebAssembly and Web Audio.

    Training Options

    Self Paced Learning

    Affordable Price

    Flexible Timing

    Videos from Experts

    Updated Syllabus

    Instructor-Led Training

    Thursday, October 24th 2024

    Monday to Friday

    5:00 AM to 10:00 PM GMT +5:30

    Class Duration : One Hour

    Saturday, October 26th 2024

    Saturday to Sunday

    5:00 AM to 10:00 PM GMT +5:30

    Class Duration : Three Hours

    Monday, October 28th 2024

    Monday to Friday

    5:00 AM to 10:00 PM GMT +5:30

    Class Duration : One Hour

    Saturday, November 2nd 2024

    Saturday to Sunday

    5:00 AM to 10:00 PM GMT +5:30

    Class Duration : Three Hours

    Expert Trainers

    Doubt Resolutions

    Dedicated Support Team

    Placements Assistance

    Corporate Training

    Customized Syllabus

    Easy Employee Up-Skilling

    Dedicated LMS

    Full Time Support

    Get Your Course Certificate

    The course is in line with respective certification programs, and upon the completion of the training, TutorsBot’s course completion certificate will be awarded upon the completion of the projects, along with other certifications.

    This certificate is a proof that you have completely mastering in the domain. This certificate validate you have worked in assignments, exercises, projects and case studies. Share your certificate and achievement on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

    TutorsBot Certificate

    Course Timing


    Monday to Friday

    Timing 8:00 to 10:00


    Saturday & Sunday

    Timing 9:00 to 9:00


    Monday to Sunday

    Timing 7:00 to 10:00


    Monday to Sunday

    Timing 7:00 to 10:00

    Course Review

    Rekha Warnakar

    "Thank you for the Full Stack Developer - MEAN Master's Program Training, TutorsBot. The training resources for each Full Stack Developer topic are insightful and comprehensive. It was great to have experienced professors and to profit from project sessions. "

    Amol Verma

    " Last week, I attended a cloud expert webinar hosted by TutorsBot. It exposes me to cloud technology, thus I changed my professional path. Classes that were 60% practical and 40% participatory provided me an advantage in learning."


    "Transitioned my career from Customer support to cloud administrator; Big hands for the TutorsBot's placement team and support team who are quick in doubt resolution. The instructor's teaching and upskilling training are worth course enrolling. "

    Ajay Jain

    "Though there were 20 students in the session. The instructor is very patient in doubt resolution for each trainee; I will give 9 out of 10 for the Full Stack Developer - MEAN Master's Program Training"


    "The fundamental syllabus of the training programme was a real-world practical course. Training instructors are industry professionals who are well-versed in their fields. "

    Dilip Kumar

    "I had a great learning experience with TutorsBot and want to enrol for another certification. Another point I'd want to emphasise is service after the training is over. As a student, this is what I am always looking for. They always provide responses on time."


    "Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated. The support crew was always available to me in order to resolve any technical or out-of-the-box difficulties. I also received my course certificate on time."

    Manoj Kumar

    "TutorsBot got me in because of their shown experience in testing and quality assurance. I learned the Magic of Testing here. The finest aspect is the constant and personal connection with the Trainer, as well as the Live Projects, Certification Training, and Study Material."

    Tamil Selvan

    "Hello, my name is Tamil Selvan, and I completed TutorsBot's Full Stack Developer - MEAN Master's Program Training last month. Their coaching was excellent, and their costs were reasonable. I have sent many of my friends to them, and if you want to learn AWS training course, please contact them."

    Harish Kumar

    "Ghani Sir, I was your student when you first began training. I returned to your Informatica session. The training curriculum has really wowed me. This programme has taught me a lot of new things. Thank you really lot. "

    Prem Kumar

    "Ghani sir, you are simply amazing. I am honoured to be one of your students. The way you handle things and explain the subject is one-of-a-kind. And I'm excited to learn more about this topic from you. Thank you very much. "


    "At TutorsBot, I learned Full Stack Developer - MEAN Master's Program Training and learned a lot of things in both functional and automation. I am now working as a TEAM LEAD on both automated and manual projects. The whole credit for this belongs to the TutorsBot team. "

    Our Alumni Work At

    Navisoft Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadIsolve Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadHappiest Minds Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadOrangemantra Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadMindtree Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadCSS Technologies Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadThoughtworks Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadCollabera Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadCybage Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadCyient Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadIgate Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadOpsEazy Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadPersistent Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadDatamatics Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In HyderabadMphasis Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In Hyderabad3i Infotech Placements for Full Stack Developer - MEAN Training In Hyderabad

    Training FAQ

    TutorsBot Master's program faculties are screen through multiple profiles with over 5 years of experience in the digital marketing domain and training. We select the faculties only after evaluating technical knowledge with many alumni ratings then they allow to be training faculties in TutorsBot.

    To learn more about the Full Stack Developer - MEAN Master's Program Training, please contact us by phone, email, or live chat. Our customer support team can offer a thorough explanation and answer any questions you may have regarding the master's programme.

    TutorsBot team provides support from training onboarding, assignments, micro-learning exercise, and doubt resolutions. TutorsBot team also provide resume building, mock interview, placement assistance, and project mentoring.

    No, TutorsBot's placement team help to increase the opportunity of getting the job by providing technical training, industry projects, case studies, resume preparation and mock interviews.

    At TutorsBot, you can enroll in either instructor-led online training or instructor-led campus training. We also provide corporate training for workforce upskilling.

    You can make payment any of the following options credit card, debit card, net banking, and wallets and by cash. After paying the payment you will receive an email with the receipt.

    Yes, After deducting admission fees for the training program; We will refund the remaining amount. Read our refund policy to learn more. Refund will not avail after attending five classes of the course enrollment. To know more about the refund policy, check our Refund Policy webpage in the website's footer.

    Yes, we provide Microsoft Azure, GCP, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Ansible, Puppet, Git, GitHub, Maven, and Chef.

    We do, indeed. As technology advances, we update our curriculum and give you with training on the most recent version of that technology.

    All online training sessions are recorded. You will receive recordings of the sessions so that you may see the online lessons whenever you like. You can also attend another class to make up for the classes you missed.

    Yes, you may certainly pay in installments.
