Kubernetes Training - Tutorsbot - TutorsBot

Kubernetes Training

Technology Training

Kubernetes is a container management technology developed to manage containerized applications in different kinds of environments such as physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructure. It is an open source system which helps in creating and managing containerization of applications. This course provides an overview of different kind of features and functionality of Kubernetes and how to manage the containerized structure and application deployment.

Course Features

Free Demo Classes

Placement Training

Updated Syllabus

Doubt Resolution

Fasttrack Training

Affordable Price


Kubernetes Overview

  • Introduction of Containers
  • Container Orchestration
  • Kubernetes Architecture

Working with Kubernetes

  • Kubernetes Setup
  • Kubernetes Concepts
  • PODs, ReplicaSets and Deployment
  • Update and Rollback

Networking in Kubernetes

  • Basic Networking in Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Services
  • Nodeports and ClusterIP

Role-Based Access Control for Kubernetes

  • Role - Based Access Control
  • Techniques for Managing RBAC

Integrating Storage Solutions

  • Importing External Services
  • Running Reliable Singletons
  • Kubernetes - Native Storage with StatefulSets

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